
5 Goalkeepers positioned as shown

1 large goal

3 small target goals

3 mannequins

2 balls per feeder

Feeders take turns delivering the ball into the penalty box. GK must collect the ball safely and then distribute into any of the 3 target goals. GK gets one point for every successful catch plus two points for every distribution into a target goal.  Feeders deliver two normal corners and two different styles of crosses (high, low, driven, curled etc) from the midfield spots.

Coaching Points:

1.   Catch the ball at the highest point possible.

2.   Call "Keeper!" or "Away!" as early as possible.

3.   Choose the correct technique (catch, punch, tip, etc.) as soon as you can.

Players Required: 


Patrick on 7/30/2021

Session Planning for Day 2 Goalkeeping Drills.

The drills should consits of 

1. receiving the ball

2. Distributing the ball

3. Manage the defenders

4. Dealing with shots

5. Dealing with crosses

6. Dealing with 1v1