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Area: 12 x 12 metres – Size of depends on numbers 

Play 8v2, 7v2, 6v2, 5v2 

Two players in the middle, they can hold their bibs 

Players must try to maintain possession and when opportunity arises, play a killer pass to knock football off of the cone in the centre of the area. If a player makes a mistake, they go in the middle along with the player to their left.

Play one or two touch. If two touch, first touch must be on back foot.

Middle players stay in for another round if one gets nutmegged. Middle players stay in for another round if they let the ball be knocked off the cone three times. 

Football Actions:

Quality and selection of pass – 1st, 2nd and 3rd line passes 

Body shape/receive on the back foot/first touch 

Width and depth – Penetrating/killer pass

Awareness of space and defender

Patience in possession – no forced/rushed decisions 

Transition to Defend – Can we win ball back as quickly as possible?

Transition to Attack – Width and depth as quickly as possible


Make sure players stay within the area and don’t accept touches outside the area. 

Players Required: 