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Groups of 4 or 5 players, split in two, 15 to 20 yards across from each other. Player 1 makes a 1v1 move inside the box followed by a pass to player 2, standing inside of his box. Player B receives the ball, makes a 1v1 move, and passes back to Player 3. After their pass, the players move to the back of their group or follow their pass across.

Game: Who gets to 15 passes through the gates first, wins. Losers do a ‘punishment’.


Increase the distance between the groups. From 12 yards to 16 yards to 20 yards

Focus Points:

  • Make the 1v1 move with conviction.

  • Hard pass with the inside of the foot, with the correct speed to the correct foot.

  • Receive with the inside or outside of the foot in such a way that you can easily make a 1v1 move on the third touch.

  • Communication: Ask for the pass, verbal and non-verbal.

Players Required: