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Set Up:

The teams start with 2v1’s in their defending zones, a 2v2 in the midfield zone, and 1v2’s in their attacking zones. One attacker crosses over with a pass from the defending zone into the midfield zone, creating a 3v2. TWO attackers cross over with a pass from the midfield zone into the attacking zone, creating another 3v2. With a turnover, all attacking players must immediately return to their original zones before trying to re-possess the ball.

Coaching Points:

1    Creating Space – Use the entire defending zone and force the defender to chase the ball.

2    Speed of Play – Push the dribble at the defender and force him to make a choice.

3    Combination Play – Attack isolated defenders with 2v1 combinations.


Progression 1 – Allow long passes from the defending zone into the attacking zone. Both midfield players follow the pass in to create a 3v2.

Players Required: