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Set Up:

In the small central zone, the defending team (in black) plays keep away from the attacking team, 5v2. When the two attackers (in blue) win the ball, they play it to a teammate on the outside of the large zone. Play then becomes a 7v5, and all of the attackers are free to go to goal. To score, the attackers must finish a cross with a first time volley or header. Crosses must be made within two touches, and defenders are allowed to run out to block the cross. Upon completion (a goal or a clearance), the ball is returned to the central zone for the re-start. New attackers should switch into the central zone every 1-2 minutes. Every five minutes, five new players go to the small zone to play keep away and defend.

Coaching Points:

1    Concentration – Attackers on the outside must anticipate play and be ready to cross.

2    Crossing – Get your feet set early in order to have a good first touch or first time cross. 

3    Finishing – Look for late blind side runs behind defenders and sprint to the header.


1   Allow first time shots from outside of the zone.

Players Required: