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Each goalkeeper with a ball. While jogging around, bounce the ball hard on the ground and catch the ball in the air.


Improve the ability of the goalkeeper to deal with a high ball.


Supply of balls.

Coaching Points:

Catching High Balls:

  • Recognize the flight of the ball.

  • Keep eyes on the ball.

  • Hands start at the hips, move towards the ball and make the last step before the jump large. 

  • When the ball comes from the left, bring up right knee. When the ball comes from the right, bring up the left knee. 

  • Reach out for the ball and catch the ball at the highest point. Stretch out arms.

  • On catch, hands behind and on side of the ball, fingertips on top of the ball. 

  • After the catch keep the ball above the head or bring the ball to the chest and enclose and secure it.


  • Call out 'KEEPER' when going for the cross and high ball. 

Balls Required: 
Players Required: 
Several GKs