2v2 & 3v3 Transition Games, #1
2v2 & 3v3 Transition Games, #1

Field of 15 x 12.
Divide players in two groups. Groups on end lines between the small goals. A defender starts passing in to an attacker. Switch slides after turn.
Groups start in corners of the field.
Coach passes the ball in from the sideline
With large goals with or without goalkeepers.
Score by dribbling over the endline.
Game: Make two teams and keep track of the score.
1v1 Defending
Run out, pressure the ball, but slow down when nearing the attacker.
Face the attacker slightly sideways, not straight on. Bent knees, weight on the balls of the feet. Low center of gravity for greater explosion/quick change of direction.
Distance of pressure is usually 1-3 yards. Steal the ball at the right moment.
Pressure the ball, work together, work hard.
In ball possession the attackers must keep the field wide. Recognize whether to go for a pass or for a 1v1 move.
After winning the ball, find the wall player or try to score as quickly as possible.
Transition Moment Attacker:
Immediately try to win the ball back after losing it. Quick reaction.
No mourning moment after losing the ball.
Keep defending; you never know.