Dribble and Shoot
Dribble and Shoot
Players dribble past a row of cones. After the last cone, the player turns and shoots at the goal from 10 yards. When they shoot the ball in the corner, they get 3 points. When they shoot through the center, they get 1 point. After shot, start on the other side.
Who has the most points after 8 shots?
For Dribbling:
Lean forward and over the ball
Knees bent, on the balls of feet
Relax body
Balance is a must
Keep ball close
Use inside, outside, instep (laces) and bottom (sole) of both feet
For Shooting:
Good positioning relative to the ball
With final large step place standing leg beside, just past (low shot) or behind the ball (high shot)
Body bent back
From hip and knee, draw leg back, then swing forward
Lock ankle tight, toes point down
Make contact with instep or full instep, depending on the situation.