2v2, Small Goals
2v2, Small Goals

Field 20 yards long and 15 yards wide. Two teams, coming from opposite ends, can score on a small goal. No goalkeeper. The game starts with a pass from the Feeder to one of the two teams. When a goal is scored, the team that just scored stays on and immediately becomes defenders. When a goal is scored, two players from the team that just got scored on, immediately attack the other goal. Start the attack as fast as possible after the goal is scored.
Continuous play, players must get back to their side quickly after their turn. When the ball is out of bounds, the players dribble or pass the ball back in. Play in blocks of 4 to 6 minutes.
Improve the ability to quickly react during the transition moments.
Improve 1v1 and 2v2 attacking and defending
Balls, cones, pinnies, small goals.
Coaching Points:
React immediately after a change of possession.
Be alert. Focus.
After winning the ball explode, one touch in transition, go forward with a quick dribble or pass.
After losing the ball, immediately try to win the ball back. No mourning moment.
The first defender pressures the balls, the second defender covers the first defender.
Force the attacker either to the sideline or the other defender.
Win the ball back at the right moment.
Explode after winning the ball.
Initially keep the field wide.
Go for the pass or the 1v1?
Creative runs.
Attack with conviction and purpose.
Make the field five yards wider and play 3v3.
Keep track of how many goals each team scores in six minutes.