1v1 Moves & Turning
1v1 Moves & Turning
Set up cones in a 20 x 15 grid. Players perform a 1v1 move at the first cone, and a turning move at the second cone. After the second move, they join the opposite line and change directions.
Coaching Points:
For Dribbling:
Lean forward and over the ball
Knees bent, on the balls of feet
Relax body
Balance is a must
Keep ball close
Use inside, outside, instep (laces) and bottom (sole) of both feet
For 1v1 Move Attacking:
Controlled approach (touch ball on every step)
Head up, see where the defender is
Begin the move at the correct distance from the defender
Quality of the move: weight and direction of the two touches, use of upper body to emphasize the fake
Accelerate out of the move
Head up, connect with your partner and play a good quality pass.