1v1 & 2v2 Transition Game
1v1 & 2v2 Transition Game

Field of 15 yards long by 10 yards wide. The game starts with a pass from the defender to the attacker. The attackers score by dribbling over the end line, the defenders score on three small counter goals. Two goals are placed on the sideline near the corner, one in the center of the end line Rotate positions.
Progression to 2v2: Make the above field five yards wider, 15y x 15y, play 2v2.
Make two teams, keep track of score and switch sides after 4 minutes.
As soon as a goal is scored a new player from the team that just got scored on starts to dribble. The player who scored immediately becomes a defender.
Coaching Points:
Transition Defending to Attacking:
Immediate reaction after winning the ball: attack!
Try to score quickly.
Transition Attacking to Defending:
Immediate reaction after losing the ball.
Don’t stop defending.