4v2, With Changes
4v2, With Changes
Set Up:
Twelve players are set up on a field split into three zones, playing 8v4. During the drill, the attacking team plays 4v2 in one end zone, looking to change the ball over to the other end zone. When they do, the two defenders in the central zone cross over, creating a new 4v2. When the defending team wins the ball, they move into the central zone along with one attacker from each end zone, creating another 4v2. When the ball is re-possessed by the attackers, all of the players return to their original zones. After five minutes, the four defenders switch out.
Coaching Points:
1. Don’t force the long pass. Maintain possession until a good opportunity arises.
2. Attackers should use the entire space and force the defenders to chase the ball.
3. When the ball is switched over, look to play it away with your first touch.
1. Limit one or more players to one touch.
2. Switch the ball within 3-5 passes.