Protect the Square
Protect the Square

Set Up:
There are twelve players set up on a small field, with a 10 x 10 yard square placed in the center. The two teams play 6v6, and the attacking team scores points by passing the ball to a teammate running into the center square. The defenders guard the perimeter of the square, and they may not step inside of it. When the defenders win the ball, they must play the ball to the outside edge of the grid before they can turn and attack the square. Games are played to three points, and the Feeder re-starts the game whenever the ball is put out of play.
Coaching Points:
1. Change the field quickly in order to attack an unguarded side of the square.
2. Play with one or two touches and move the ball faster than the defense can adjust.
3. Switch quickly to the attack when the ball is turned over, and create superior numbers.
1. Dribble the ball into the square to score.