Outside, Inside #3
Outside, Inside #3

Set Up:
There are 10-15 players set up in the attacking third, starting at the cones. Goalkeeper 1 begins play with a pass up to Goalkeeper 2. From there, Goalkeeper 2 plays it out to a striker (Player 1 or 4) and the three players on that side of the field run an up, back, and thru combination to send the flank player towards the corner. Every sequence ends with a cross and finish. Upon completion, Goalkeeper 1 puts the ball down at his feet for the re-start. The players rotate to all of the positions during the drill.
Coaching Points:
1. The passes in the up, back and thru combo should be one touch passes.
2. The flank player must hold his overlapping run long enough to let the play develop.
3. The speed of the attack depends on the quality of the first two passes.
1. Allow the striker to change the field when he receives.