Breakout Drill #6
Breakout Drill #6

Set Up:
There are 12-15 players set up in the attacking third, starting at the cones. The goalkeeper begins play with an outlet pass to Player 1. Player 1 wall passes with Player 2, and then passes the ball up to Player 3. Player 1 then overlaps Player 3 and runs towards the center circle. Player 3 finishes the sequence by dribbling the ball back to the end line. Starting from the center circle, the players wall pass with Player 4, and then finish on goal. Both sides of the field are active during the drill, and after five minutes, new players rotate in for Players 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Coaching Points:
1. Players 2 and 3 should check away first, and then come back to the ball.
2. Each player should hold his run until the passer makes eye contact with him.
3. Make one touch passes whenever possible, use two touches when necessary.
1. Player 3 plays back to Player 2, who plays thru to Player 1.