Ten Shots, Drill #9
Ten Shots, Drill #9

Players Required:10
Balls Required:
Goals Required:

Set Up:
There are ten players set up on a small field. The four attackers start in the center of the field, and Feeders are stationed at all four corners. The players make runs to either goal (in sequence from Player 1 to 4), receiving crosses from any of the Feeders. After each shot, the attacker returns to the center to wait for his next turn. After taking ten shots each, the attackers switch out with the Feeders.
Coaching Points:
1. Curve your run and approach the ball at an angle as opposed to straight on.
2. Wait for the ball to come down to the ground before striking it.
3. From close in, just make solid contact. Don’t try to overpower the ball.
1. Air ball service.
2. Driven ball service.