8v4, For Defenders
8v4, For Defenders

Players Required:12
Balls Required:
Goals Required:

Set Up:
There are 12 players set up on the small field, playing 8v4. During the drill, the eight attackers play keep away from the four defenders on the inside of the grid. The attackers are limited to one or two touches. When the defenders win the ball, the attacker who lost it switches into the middle. Any time the ball is put out of play, the drill is re-started by the Feeder.
Coaching Points:
1. Always pressure the ball in order to stop long passes from being made over the top.
2. The passing lanes to the two attackers closest to the ball must be covered.
3. One defender plays in the space behind the other three in order to balance the field.
1. Progress to 6v4v2.