3v3, Small Field
3v3, Small Field
Players Required:6
Balls Required:
Goals Required:
Set Up:
There are six players set up on a small field with small goals, playing 3v3. During the game, each team defends and attacks a small goal on the end line. When a goal is scored or the ball is put out of play, the game is re-started by the Feeder. Games are played to two goals with a five-minute time limit, and the players switch teams after each game.
Coaching Points:
1. After you lose the ball, you must hustle back. You can’t allow 3v2 attacks on goal.
2. Defend by pressing forward or dropping back as a group. Be on the same page.
3. When play moves to the flank, the weak side defender must drop in towards the center.
1. Progress to 5v5.