Overlap Diamond
Overlap Diamond

Set Up:
There are six players set up inside of the grid, starting at the cones. To begin the drill, Player 1 passes the ball up to Player 2 and then overlaps him. Player 2 plays square to Player 3, and Player 3 plays a thru ball to Player 1. Player 1 passes up to Player 4, who restarts the combination in the other direction. Players 1, 4, 5, and 6 shuttle back and forth across the grid, while Players 2 and 3 stay in the center, switching places with each turn. After 3-5 minutes, the players should change starting positions.
Coaching Points:
1. The player making the overlap run must hold his run until the play develops.
2. Player 2 fakes a wall pass to Player 1 before turning and passing to Player 3.
3. Play the thru pass to the feet, and don’t lead the attacker into the next defender.
1. Limit players to one touch.
2 Player 2 can fake a pass and play directly to Player 1.