Two Combos, Finish
Two Combos, Finish

Set Up:
There are 12-16 players set up in the attacking third, starting at the cones. To begin the drill, Player 1 performs a double pass with Player 2. Player 2 then pressures the ball, and Player 1 looks to combine with Player 3 (or 4). After Player 1 receives, he plays the ball thru to Player 4 (or 3) for a finish on goal. During the drill, Players 1, 2, and 5 switch places in a shuttle fashion as do Players 3. 4. and 6. The two groups switch roles after 5 minutes.
Coaching Points:
1. If the first pass in the wall is poor, the second pass is likely to be poor as well.
2. The thru pass should not take the shooter out too wide. Lead him to goal.
3. The last dribble touch should allow you to shoot to all four corners of the goal.
1. Player 1 can take a quick shot.