5v3 Build Up Game
5v3 Build Up Game

Area: Half Field, less than full width
The teams play 5v3, with the attacking team trying to build up and score on the small goals. The defenders try to score on the large goal with the goalkeeper. The attacking team plays with a goalkeeper and four backs, while the three defenders play in a 2-1 wide triangle shape. Play always starts with the goalkeeper. When the ball goes over the sideline, the four backs must throw the ball in. The three defenders can dribble or pass the ball back onto the field. Switch rolls after several minutes.
Add a midfielder on both teams, play 6v4
Coaching Points:
Forwards Pressing When Build Up Starts:
CF 9 makes an L-Run when the goalie passes the ball to one of the central defenders; gets in between the central defenders and then pressure the ball.
Wingers 11 and 7 start pinched in, leave the outside defender ‘fake’ open, and invite the pass from the central defender to the outside back. Pressure ball at that moment. Be on at the feet of the outside defender when he/she receives the ball.
When the ball goes to the outside back, the winger on the weak side pinches to center of field. Another option could be that the winger goes towards the nearest central defender, but only if our midfield is strong and marking their midfielders.
Wingers do not pressure the central defender when they build up.
Defenders Building Up:
Create flow, W-passing movement, value the ball.