Two Square Pass and Follow
Two Square Pass and Follow
Set Up:
This can be used as the second progression after the Square Pass and Follow drill. Now there will be two squares set up as shown in the diagram, a large one and a small one inside of the larger one. Place one player at each disc of the smaller square and place four lines at each corner of the larger square. Each line will have a ball. On the whistle the first player in each line will make a pass to the player at the inside disc in front of them and then follow their pass. The player on the inside will receive the ball and make a pass to the player on the outside square (to the left or right depending on which way the coach instructs them). All four lines will go at the same time so it is crucial for players to make accurate passes.
To make the drill tougher the coach can blow the whistle and have the players change the direction of the passes.