1v1 to 2v2 plus 2v2
1v1 to 2v2 plus 2v2

Area: 20 yards wide, 25 to 30 yards long.
Organization: Set up a field with 4 small goals. Create two teams, with players of each team in opposite corners.
By making the field longer, the players work on their long pass over the ground or through the air, but they also have to cover a lot of ground (fitness).
Turn starts with a pass to a teammate from each team. After the pass two 1v1 games start. The passer defends against the opponent on their side. Don't follow pass. If a goal is scored or the ball goes over the endline in one 1v1, those two players quickly join their teammate in the other 1v1 to create a 2v2. When the ball goes over the sideline, dribble it back in.
When this 2v2 ends due to a goal or the ball goes over the endline, the coach/feeder plays in the next ball to create another 2v2 game, with the same four players. To avoid confusion, tell teams beforehand in which goals they have to score in this last 2v2.
After the turn is over, players switch sides.
- Start the tun with a pass through the air.
- Start the turn with a pass through the air while the receiver is moving forward.
Game: Keep track of the goals scored.