Cross Box Passing Series - Drill #2
Cross Box Passing Series - Drill #2

Players Required:11
Balls Required:
Goals Required:

Set Up:
In this drill, Player 1 begins play with a pass up to Player 2 or Player 3. The next pass is played square to the opposite corner, and the passer runs into the center to receive a return pass. In the diagram, Player 2 receives the first pass and then runs into the center. From there, Player 2 turns, passes to Player 4, and receives the return pass from him. To complete the sequence, Player 2 takes the ball back to the center line. If the first pass were to be played to Player 3, he would use Player 2 and Player 5 during his passing sequence. Upon completion, Players 1, 2, and 4 would rotate clockwise, and Players 1, 3, and 5 would rotate counter-clockwise.