One Touch Passing Warmup #2
One Touch Passing Warmup #2
Players Required:4
Balls Required:
Goals Required:
Set up two large gates (green cones) on opposite sides, and place large cones in the center as shown in the diagram. Set up three small cones behind each of the four players.
Player 1 passes the ball across to Player 2. Player 2 passes to Player 3, who one touches it over to Player 4. Player 4 touches it back to Player 2, who then plays it back across to Player 1 to begin the next five pass sequence. After striking their last pass, all of the players run back and forth through their three cones before returning to their positions. The players stay in their positions for 2-3 minutes before switching.
Focus Points:
Striking the top half of the ball.
Passing to the correct foot.
Speed and agility