Handball - Goalie Drill
Handball - Goalie Drill

Set Up:
Two teams play 5 v 5, looking to advance the ball into an end zone to score a point. The ball can only be thrown from player to player. When a player catches the ball, he can pivot in place, but he can not move off of the spot. teams score by throwing to a teammate who catches ball in endzone. Players cannot enter endzone until ball is thrown. If the ball hits the ground, the other team gets it. The defenders can intercept the ball or knock it to the ground to get possession, but they cannot knock it out of someone’s hands (like ultimate Frisbee).
Coaching Points:
1. When the ball is above the shoulder, players should make a contour catch, forming a ‘W’ with their hands behind ball.
2. When the ball is below their neck, they should basket catch, scooping the ball up and bringing it into the chest.
3. Look the ball all the way into the hands to secure it.
1. Score by tipping a high ball (above the shoulders) to a teammate in the end zone.