Space Invaders
Space Invaders

Players Required:6-8
Balls Required:
Goals Required:

Set Up:
- Make a 20 x 20 yard grid with several 3 yard Space Ships (Bases). Select two players to be it (The Blasters). The blasters (in red) have the ball in their hands and are guarding the bases. The rest of the players dribble their ball and are trying to land on the bases to be safe. Have them count the number of bases they can get to. The Blasters use the ball to tag the other players (touch them with the ball, not throw the ball at them) The Blasters are trying to see how many players they can tag in the time allowed. Switch blasters each round, and encourage everyone to beat their previous scores.
Coaching Points:
- Look for moments to fly to a new base. Don’t take too long, or your score will be lower.
- Big touches vs. little touches. Encourage players to take shorter touches when in tight spaces or getting to a base, and longer touches if they have space in front of them.