Combination Series
Combination Series

Set Up:
Defenders make specific runs at the ball as the two attackers execute 2 v 1 combinations. Defenders practice at game speed, forcing the attackers to practice at game speed as well. The runs:
Defender (Player 3) runs straight at the ball, attackers wall pass.
Defender steps into the passing lane. Attackers play thru ball.
Defender makes run late, 2nd attacker turns, 1st attacker overlaps.
Defender chases the first pass, 1st attacker takes the return pass and dribbles by him. (not shown)
Defender follows 2nd attacker closely, the attackers perform a vertical takeover. (not shown)
Coaching Points:
1. The Wall Pass – Set up as close to the defender as possible, making the first pass a short one.
2. The Wall Pass – The 1st attacker draws the defender towards him, making it easier to run past.
3. The Thru Pass – Fake the wall, draw the defender up, then play into the space behind him.
4. The Overlap – For an overlap to be on, both attackers need time and space.
5. The Overlap – Strike the pass when the first attacker reaches a square position.
6. The Double Pass – Take the first touch forward and push the dribble into the open space.
7. The Takeover – Direct the 1st attacker by getting the dribble onto the outside of the foot
1. The defender makes whatever run he chooses, the attackers combine to beat him.