4v2 Into 1v1
4v2 Into 1v1

Set Up:
The attackers play 4v2 in each of the two grids. They score one point for putting together ten consecutive passes and an additional two points for completing a string of 20 consecutive passes. At any time, the Feeder can call out a number (the attackers are numbered 1-5), and that attacker must leave the box (on the side closest to the Feeder) to make a run at goal. The first player out of the box becomes the attacker and the other player becomes the defender. The Feeder passes to the attacker, and the 1v1 goes to goal. Play continues 3v2 in each box. Upon completion of the 1v1, both players run back to their boxes. A point is added to the team’s total for each goal scored.
Coaching Points:
1. Speed of Play – Play with one or two touches inside the grid. Anticipate the next pass.
2. Creativity – Use feinting moves before receiving in order to stop or slow the defender’s run.
3. Finishing – Your last touch before shooting should allow you to shoot at all four corners.
Progression 1 – The Feeder can call two numbers at a time to create a 2v2