Keeper Distribution Drill - Pt. 1
Keeper Distribution Drill - Pt. 1

Set Up:
The field is split into three zones, with two players stationed in each zone. A goalkeeper is stationed on each end. To begin the drill, the goalkeeper (GK1) passes out wide to one of the players in his zone (Player 1 in the diagram) using a throw. Player 1 switches it over to Player 2, and Player 2 plays it back to GK1. GK1 passes the ball up into the central zone to either player. The central player who receives plays it back to his partner, and he finishes the sequence with a long pass to GK2. The drill then starts back in the opposite direction.
*Note - After the ball is played out of the central zone and up the opposite GK, the two players in the end zone switch with the players in the central zone.
Coaching Points:
1. Passing – Lead the player towards the space with your pass and let him run onto it.
2. Speed of Play – Use one touch when you can, two touches when you should.
3. Timing the Runs – Watch for technical errors, re-set and re-start your run when you have to.
Progression 1 – Distribute into the central zone to begin play, then back into the first zone and long into the opposite goalkeeper.