Passing Warm Up #2
Passing Warm Up #2

Set Up:
Diagram 1 - Player 1 begins the drill with a horizontal dribbling run towards the center gate. At the opposite end, Player 2 runs towards one of the three gates. Player 1 dribbles thru the center gate and looks up for Player 2, and Player 2 calls for the ball as he comes thru an outside gate. Player 1 passes to Player 2, Player 2 receives and returns the ball to the dribbling line, passing to Player 3. Also, as Player 2 comes thru the gate, Player 4 can start the next dribbling. There should always be two balls moving at the same time.
Diagram 2 - When the receiver (Player 2) chooses the center gate, he must receive the pass BEHIND the gate and then take the dribble thru an outside gate before returning the ball to the dribbling line with a pass to Player 3.
During the drill, the players follow their own passes and go to the end of that line.
Coaching Points:
1. Communication – Call for the ball early and often.
2. Timing – Show for the ball just as the dribbler gets ready to pass.
3. First Touch – Direct the ball towards your target gate as you receive it.
1. Limit the receivers to one touch (1st Progression).
2. Run thru any gate, receive, dribble back (1st Regression).