Keepers Last Stand, Pt. 1
Keepers Last Stand, Pt. 1

Set Up:
The two teams play 4v4 plus two on the small field. Points are scored on the large triangle goal in the center versus two goalkeepers. Shots must be below knee level to score. The keepers can be positioned anywhere inside of the triangle. The defensive players are allowed to run thru the goal area or stand inside of it during play, but the attackers are not allowed to enter the goal area. The neutrals are allowed to score unless that condition is changed by the coach.
Coaching Points:
1. Speed of Play – Play one and two touch soccer and force the defenders to chase.
2. Patience – Hold the ball long enough to draw the defender, and then pass off to a teammate.
3. Decision Making – As defenders move to the ball, look to change it to the opposite side.
Progression 1 – The defenders may not enter the triangle goal at any time.
Progression 2 – Use a large two-sided goal with two goalkeepers (Part 2 of this drill).