Timing the Combinations
Timing the Combinations

Set Up:
Players 2 and 3 support the players shuttling back and forth, running the following combinations.
1 – Wall Pass
2 – Up, Back, and Thru
3 – Overlap
4 – Dummy, Thru Pass
Each combination has verbal and visual cues that must be practiced on each repetition. Players 2 and 3 are very active during the drill and will need to be rotated out after 1-2 minutes.
Coaching Points:
1 Wall Pass – Support players must set up close to the ball in order to keep the passes short.
– Player 1 accelerates after making the first pass.
– The second pass should not slow Player 1 down.
2 Up, Back, Thru – Player 3 has to hold his run to see if Player 2 can play one touch back.
– Player 2 has to decide whether to play with one or two touches.
3 Overlap – Players 2 and 3 makes runs into the middle to initiate the combination.
– Player 1 calls for Player 2 to “Hold” as he makes his overlapping run.
– Player 2 strikes the second pass as Player 1 reaches a square position.
4 Dummy, Thru Pass – Player 1 accelerates after making the first pass AND calls for the ball.
– Player 3 enters the play late, just as Player 1 dummies the ball.
– All three passes must be made with one touch for the timing to work.
1 The players choose a combination based on verbal and visual cues given by Players 2 and 3.