3v3 School Yard SSGs
3v3 School Yard SSGs

18 players, divided into six teams of three
One large pitch, split into two more pitches
Two Large goals for the large pitch, four target goals for the small pitches.
Minimum three balls (have spares)
The six teams are in action at the same time:
Large pitch w/Big Goals: Black team v Red team, players use the entire field.
Blue pitch: Pink team vs Yellow team
Grey pitch: Green team vs v Blue team
Coach can adapt to meet player’s needs -e.g. kick ins from the side, one touch finish, no GK's etc. The conditions should be appropriate to the player's age and ability level.
Coaching Points:
1. The players without the ball should scan the field and direct traffic.
2. Call for the ball more than once so that the passer can pick you out of a crowd.
3. Do not hide behind other players when attacking. Show yourself.