4v4 + 2 Possession
4v4 + 2 Possession

Area: 30 metres x 20 metres
Teams play 4v4 inside the area, formation for both teams is a 2-1-1 (Two Centre Backs, one Midfielder, one Centre Forward) with two neutrals, one at each end.
Neutrals cannot be tackled and can move along the end line to receive a pass.
Black team plays to one end as per picture. Neutral that receives passes the ball into Red team. Red team must then look to play to the opposite neutral. If successful, Red team scores a point and the Black team attacks in the opposite direction.
If the ball goes out of play, game restarts with a kick in from opposite team.
Football Actions:
Width & Depth – Penetrating passes
Quality of pass – Pace, weight and accuracy.
First touch/body shape/receive on the back foot.
Angles and distances of support.
Communication between players.
Quick transitions important for both teams.
Have supply of balls outside area, to keep the tempo high.