Three Player Finishing #2
Three Player Finishing #2

Players Required:6-8
Balls Required:
Goals Required:

Set Up:
The Feeder begins each finishing sequence with a hard pass into the attacker farthest away from the ball. All three players must stay inside of the shooting zone, and all three must touch the ball before the shot. Shooters can finish on any of the three goals. After each shot, the attackers regroup in the center to receive the next ball. Groups finish five shots before players rotate out. The type of service from the Feeder can be varied.
Coaching Points:
1 Angle of Support – Your position should let the passer play in the direction that he’s facing.
2 Finishing – Use the setback pass to create power on the shot.
3 Speed of Play – All three players should be playing in a one and two touch rhythm.