Checking Back in Threes
Checking Back in Threes

Players Required:12
Balls Required:
Goals Required:

Set Up:
Four groups of three players are set up in and around the grid, with two players starting on the outside and one on the inside. Each group has a ball. Play begins with a pass from Player 1 to Player 2, checking back to the ball. After receiving, Player 2 turns and plays the ball back outside to Player 3. Player 1 switches into the grid to receive the next pass as Player 1 switches out.
Coaching Points:
1. Make runs away from the ball in order to create space to work back into.
2. The third attacker must make himself available for passes and not hide on the outside.
3. Open up with the first touch and turn away from the passer.
1. Two touch limit.
2. Use groups of four.