1v1 Transition Game 3
1v1 Transition Game 3

Players Required:6-10
Balls Required:
Goals Required:

Field 12 x 18. Two small goals for the attacker to score on. Defender scores by dribbling the ball over the end line. Player 1 starts with a 1v1 move and passes the ball to the attacker; the 1v1 starts. After winning the ball back, the defender tries to score by dribbling the ball over the end line. This gives the attacker the chance to track back and win the ball back again. Switch sides after every turn.
Focus Points:
Transition Attacking to Defending: Immediate reaction after losing the ball. Try to win the ball back in 5 seconds. Don’t stop defending.
Transition Defending to Attacking: After winning the ball, immediately attack: pass the ball to an open teammate, dribble into space, score. Reaction!