Attack Over the Wings
Attack Over the Wings
Players Required:17
Balls Required:
Goals Required:
Half field, large goal, small goals. From 4v2 to attack with wingers and forwards. When the defenders in the 4v2 win the ball, they quickly find a teammate outside of the 4v2 grid to start an attack over the wing. Winger goes down the line and crosses from the end line. Three attackers join in to finish.
Add defenders. Two from the 4v2 can join in to defend.
Focus Points:
Take up correct positions.
Play the ball with the correct speed to the winger with the correct foot or into space.
Winger must attack the end line with speed; send yourself away with the first touch.
Runs from the forwards: 1st post, 2nd post and pk spot. Be staggered, not in one line.
Finish attack.