1v1, Change of Direction
1v1, Change of Direction

Area: 15y x 15y
Set up two gates on a diagonal, eight yards apart. The defending group starts between the two gates. The attackers start in front of the gates, eight yards away. During the game, the attacker scores by dribbling through one of the two gates. The defender tries to 'close the door' by dribbling into that gate before the attacker dribbles through it. Switch sides after each turn.
Variations: Defender without ball, but only tries to close the door. Defender tries to steal the ball and score by dribbling through one of the two gates.
Game: Each player keeps track of amount of goals scored. Who scored the most goals in a certain amount of minutes?
Coaching Points:
Make speed, dribble with laces or outside foot.
Look over the ball when dribbling or use peripheral vision to see where the defender is going.
Keep the ball close.
Change direction quickly with pull back, inside/outside cut, and so forth.
Make speed, dribble with laces or outside foot.
Look over the ball when dribbling or use peripheral vision to see where the attacker is going.
Change direction quickly.
Keep the ball close.