U14 Soccer Practice Plan - Passing & Possession
U14 Soccer Practice Plan - Passing & Possession

Warm Up Passing Drills
5 min. - Star Passing Drill
5 min. - One Touch Follow Passing
Passing / Possession Drills
15 min. - Two Touch Under Pressure
15 min. - 4 vs. 4 Intercept
20 min. - Find the Medic
Star Passing Drill
Set Up:
Five cones are placed in a star formation, with a player stationed on each cones. During the drill, the ball is passed clockwise around the field, with each player passing to the player who is two cones to the left of him. After striking the pass, players follow their pass across to their new spot. Have players run hard for 30-60 seconds and then pass the ball around without running as their recovery before going again.

One Touch Follow Passing
Set Up:
Set up a square about 25 yards wide and place two players at each corner. Player 1 starts with the ball. Player 2 makes a run to the center of the square to receives from Player 1. Player 2 makes a one touch pass out to Player 3. Player 1 follows his pass into the center to receive from Player 3. Players continue to pass and follow into the center or out of the center as the ball moves clockwise around the square. After 10 minutes, the drill should change direction.

Two Touch Under Pressure
Set Up:
Two players are stationed in each corner of the big grid. In addition, one player is stationed in each corner of the small central zone. There are two balls moving clockwise during the drill, and the balls should start in corners diagonally opposite each other. To begin the drill, two players will run from the central zone towards the players with the ball. As the 'defenders' come in, the players will touch the ball to the side and then pass to the next corner. After passing, players will run into the central zone to take their turn as the defender. So, each time a player receives a pass, he makes a two touch pass to the next corner and then runs into the center to pressure the player opposite him. Players may leave the central zone as soon as a pass is struck to the player they are pressuring. After ten minutes, the drill changes direction.

4v4 Intercept
Set Up:
Two teams start in their own half of the field, passing and moving within their half. Each player is given a number. When the Coach calls their number, those two players cross over into the other half to try and win the ball versus the three attackers. If the defender kicks the ball out of the playing area, the team scores 1 point. If the defender dribbles or passes the ball back into their own half, they are awarded 2 points. After 20 seconds, the coach calls out "Hold!", and the players return to their half. If the offensive team maintains possession the entire time, they are awarded 3 points.

Find the Medic
Set Up:
This game encourages possession, creativity, and problem solving. Divide players into two teams of at least five players each. Mark out a rectangular field about 40 yards long and 20 yards wide. On the ends place a cone or disc in the middle to divide the end line in half. Each team will have a "medic" on each end line but they are regulated to their own half on the end line. The rest of the players are split up in the field of play. The object of the game is to complete as many passes to your "medic" as possible. The coach will start the game by placing a ball in the field of play. The team that gains possession will try to maintain possession until they can make a clean pass to one of their "medics". If they succeed they will earn one point. The "medic" will then try to complete a pass back into the field of play. If the team does not lose possession then they must complete a pass to the "medic" at the other end line. If they lose possession and then gain it back then they are free to use either one of their "medics". Be sure to rotate "medics" so that all players have a chance to be a "medic".
Coaching Points: