Combinations to Goal, #2
Combinations to Goal, #2

Combination Shuttle, Part 4

Set Up:
There are five players set up in the small grid, starting at the cones. Player 1 passes up to Player 2 and runs to the cone opposite Player 2. Player 2 turns, passes to Player 3, and then sets a wall for him. Player 3 wall passes with Player 2, plays up to Player 1, and makes the run to the opposite side. Player 1 turns and passes to Player 4 to start the next combination.
Coaching Points:
1. Before Player 2 receives, Player 1 tells him “Turn!” or “Man on!”
2. The wall pass combo is two short passes made directly to the feet of the receiver.
3. The player receiving the ball initiates combination play by calling for the ball early.
1. Progress to Part 5 of the drill.
4v2, Blind Side Start

Set Up:
There are 14 players set up in the attacking third, playing 4v2 to goal. To start the drill, a midfielder (Player 1) plays the ball into the box to Player 3 (or Player 4). Play continues from there to completion. If the defenders win the ball, they can score in the two small goals on the end line. The sevice alternates from both midfielders, and new players rotate in from the end lines after each ball.
Coaching Points:
1. Get the defender to follow you, then break away from him.
2. You may have to make two or three runs to get open.
3. After making a back pass, step out and show yourself. Don’t hide behind a defender.
1. Add a third defender.
2. Attackers must score in 15 seconds or less.
4v3 into 3v2

Set Up:
14 players are set up in the attacking third, starting 4v3 in the midfield zone, and 2v2 in the attacking zone. Play begins in the midfield zone, with the attackers looking to play into the attacking zone in order to shoot. When the ball is played in, one attacker crosses over with the pass, creating a 3v2. When the defending team wins the ball, they can score on the small goals set out on the flanks. Throw-ins and corner kicks are used on balls played out of bounds, and the Feeder re-starts play when goals are scored.
Coaching Points:
1. Play in a one and two touch rhythm along with the rest of the team.
2. Time the runs correctly in the attacking zone in order to create enough space to receive.
3. Do not slow down the attack with extra touches. Time is on the side of the defense.
1. Allow shots from the midfield zone.
3v2 into 4v2 Game

Set Up:
12-14 players are set up in the attacking third, starting 3v2 in the midfield zone, and 2v2 in the attacking zone. There are also attackers stationed in the flank zones. Play begins in the midfield zone, with the attackers looking to play into the attacking zone in order to shoot. When the ball is played in, one attacker crosses over with the pass, creating a 3v2. The ball must be played into a flank zone first in order to score. Defenders can enter the flank zones after the ball is played into that zone. When the defending team wins the ball, they can score on the two small goals on the end line. Throw-ins and corner kicks are used on balls played out of bounds, and the Feeder re-starts play when goals are scored.
Coaching Points:
1. Play in a one and two touch rhythm along with the rest of the team.
2. Time the runs correctly in the attacking zone in order to finish crosses.
3. Look for first time finishes on goal.
1. Add a third defender in the attacking zone.
5v5, Quick Games

Set Up:
Teams of five play games to two goals with a five minute time limit. Free play, no stops for coaching. Play is re-started by the GKs. When the game is over, the third team comes onto the field for the next game, and the losing team goes off. In the event of a tie, the coach can decide to let the defending champs stay on or go off, or determine the winner with a crossbar challenge.
Coaching Points:
No stoppages for coaching during play.