1v1 Challenges
1v1 Challenges

Knockout With Passing

Set Up:
Twelve players are set up inside the grid. The attackers try to maintain possession of four soccer balls while the defending team attempts to kick the balls out of the grid. Passing is allowed during the game, and when all of the balls have been sent out of the grid, the defending team becomes the attacking team. The team that keeps possession of the balls the longest is the winner.
Coaching Points:
1. The turning moves should not leave the ball exposed to the defender.
2. Shield by getting sideways on to the defender, and make shoulder contact.
3. Run to a position behind the ball rather than running to a square position.
1. Add neutrals on the outside of the grid.
1v1 Challenges

Set Up:
There are 8-10 players set up on a small field, starting on the end lines. The Feeder begins the drill with a pass into one of the attackers, and the defender stationed at the halfway line releases with the Feeder’s first touch. The attacking player tries to dribble past the defender and across the midfield line. When he does, a second defender releases from the end line to create another 1v1. The attacker scores a point for beating the first defender and two more points for beating the second. During the drill, the Feeder alternates service to both teams.
Coaching Points:
1. A good first touch gives the attacker time to read the defender’s run.
2. Put the defender under pressure by taking the ball at him at speed.
3. Change speed and direction with the dribble. Accelerate out of your dribbling moves.
1. Progress to 2v2.
1v1, Five Shots

Set Up:
Eight players are set up in the attacking third, with a 1v1 in the penalty area, and five players stationed at the cones. Play begins with a pass from the Feeder into the attacking player, who tries to turn and finish on goal. If the defender wins the ball, he finishes on the two small goals set up just outside of the penalty area. The four outside players serve balls in as well, and after five balls have been played in, the players in the 1v1 switch roles. After that turn is completed, two new players switch in. A team score is kept during the drill.
Coaching Points:
1. Check away from the passer and run back into the space that you created.
2. When turned away from goal, shield the ball and keep it on your outside foot.
3. If the defender breaks his concentration, sneak in on his blind side.
1. Progress to a 2v2.
1v1, End Zones

Set Up:
There are 11 players set up on a small field split into three zones, playing 2v2 plus one in the central zone, and 1v1 in the two end zones. Play begins in the central zone. The attackers look to pass the ball from the central zone into an end zone for a 1v1 finish on goal. All of the players must stay inside of their zones during play. On goals or on balls put out of play, the game is re-started by the GK.
Coaching Points:
1. Attack defenders at speed during the 1v1 and get them back on their heels.
2. When receiving a pass, take your first touch away from the defender.
3. Check away from the ball in order to create enough space to receive and turn.
1. Allow attackers in the central zone to cross over, creating a 2v1.
5v5, Quick Games

Set Up:
Teams of five play games to two goals with a five minute time limit. Free play, no stops for coaching. Play is re-started by the GKs. When the game is over, the third team comes onto the field for the next game, and the losing team goes off. In the event of a tie, the coach can decide to let the defending champs stay on or go off, or determine the winner with a crossbar challenge.
Coaching Points:
No stoppages for coaching during play.