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Set Up:

Play begins with a pass into the striker, playing 1v1 inside of the penalty area. As soon as the striker makes his first touch, all of the other players join the play to create a 5v3 to goal. If the defenders win the ball, they combine with the neutrals to attack the three small goals set up in the midfield. When a goal is scored in a small goal, the scoring team keeps the ball and changes direction, attacking the large goal. When a goal is scored in the large goal, the ball is returned to midfield and the attacking team continues on that goal. Games are played to 11 points, and the neutrals switch out after each game.

Coaching Points:

1.  Attacking – Look to switch the ball quickly in order to create 1v1’s and 2v1’s.

2.  Finishing – Look for shots on the outside, FAKE the shot when the defender closes it down.

3.  Speed of Attack – With a defender out of position, go right to goal.


Progression 1 – Play 4v4 or 5v5 plus two on a half field. Start with a 4v2 in the penalty area.

Players Required: