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Set Up:

Two small fields are set up on the sidelines, with the midfield line near the 18. Play begins on one of the fields with a 2v1 towards the small goal. The attackers score one point for a goal. After shooting, the attacker (Player 1) runs from the small field around the mannequin to finish a pass from the Feeder for an additional point. If the attackers fail to get a shot off, the DEFENDER makes the run towards the big goal. Players rotate from the outside in during the game – attack, attack, defend.

Coaching Points:

1.  Attacking – Take the dribble at the defender and force him to commit before passing off.

2.  Dribbling – Take the dribble AWAY from the sideline. Don’t let the defender trap you there.

3.  Finishing – Your last dribble touch should improve your shooting angle. Make it positive.

Progression:  Add a fourth line – a defender on the end line to play 1v1 on the big goal.

Players Required: 