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Teams play 3v3 with cone goals. In each end, a new team is waiting to come on. When a ball is played through one team and then to one of the target goals (by the red team), the defending team goes off and a new attacking team (in black) comes on. The team that had just scored (red team) now defends.

The game can be sized up or down - for example, two groups of 2v2 can be combined into one group of 4v4 depending on numbers.

Coaching Points:

  • Look for early shooting/passing windows to the targets - quickly beat the line.

  • If blocked going forward, look to recycle (back support) and change point of attack.

  • Consider making diagonal runs - overlap - rather than staying in-channel.


  • Limit touch counts. Allow for back passes to teammates waiting to come on.
Players Required: