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Set Up:

To begin the drill, Player 1 combines with Player 2 on a double pass combination. As Player 2 touches the ball back, he starts his overlapping run to goal. Player 1 passes up to Player 3 and supports the play from behind. Player 3 lays the ball off for Player 2 to finish. Upon completion, Player 1 goes to the deepest cone line, Player 3 goes to the first cone line, and Player 2 goes back to the start.

Coaching Points:

1.  Passing – Players must make accurate one touch passes or the sequence will be too slow.

2.  Timing the Run – Watch the play develop and hold your run if an extra touch is made.

3.  Feinting – Disguise the last pass to make it difficult for the GK to anticipate the finish.


1.  Player 1 follows his pass in, giving Player 3 two shooters to pass to.

Players Required: 