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Set Up:

There are 9-12 players set up in a small grid, working back and forth across the field. Player 1 begins play with a pass out to Player 2. After passing, Player 1 makes a forward run between the other two players. Player 2 then passes over to Player 3, and makes the same run between Players 3 and 1. From there, the players repeat the combination, passing to the outside and then running between the other two players. When they reach the end of the grid, the players turn and start back across the field.    

Coaching Points:

1.  As you make the run between players, turn your head and watch the ball.

2.  Accelerate after striking the pass. Run to the next spot at top speed.

3.  Sneak a peek at the player running thru before passing it back across.


1.  Fake the pass across and play the ball up.

Players Required: 