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6 players

1 mannequin

1 Mini Goal

4 cones

Player 1 runs with the ball from the starting cone up to the mannequin, and then creates an angle to pass to  Player 2. Player 2 passes to  Player 3, who passes to Player 4. - Player 4 runs with the ball across the field to take on the defender 1v1, looking to score into the small goal. During the drill, all players rotate by following their own pass. Player 4 goes to the starting line. The defender switches out after all of the other players have had a turn at attacking the small goal.

Coaching Points:

1.   Use the shoelaces to touch the ball as you run with it.

2.   Keep the ball close to you as you approach the defender.

3.   Change speed and direction with the dribble to beat the defender.

Players Required: 