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Set Up:

There are six players set up in the final third, the shooters starting from behind the cone. Player 1 runs first and finishes a pass from Feeder 1. As Player 1 shoots, Player 2 makes his run and finishes the pass from Feeder 2. After each shot, the players jog back to the cone and switch places before starting the next turn. Each player finishes ten passes, and then the shooters switch out with the Feeders. The goalkeepers switch after every two shots.

Coaching Points:

1.  The first touch has to set the ball off at the correct angle and distance.

2.  Pick your head up after you make your first touch and deal with the goalkeeper.

3.  Take the last dribble touch off to the side so that you can shoot at all four corners.


1.  Air ball service.

2.  Driven ball service.

Players Required: